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Worksite Services

  • Professional Coaching:

    Your business is only as good as the people who lead it. Casey and Associates can provide performance assessment and coaching for your executives and supervisors. These services help you to assess the skills of your vital managers and create development plans specific to their identified needs. Areas of assessment include communication skills, conflict resolution, time management and ability to supervise others.

    Conflict Resolution:

    Unresolved conflicts in the workplace are expensive, time consuming and a substantial drain on productivity. They can also lead to employee turnover and acts of violence. Casey and Associates will help you find ways to resolve disputes before they escalate. We teach employees and supervisors the skills they need to solve problems and give them the tools needed to prevent future incidents.

  • Critical Incident Response:

    Casey and Associates offer comprehensive assistance for companies where the safety of employees has been threatened by an accident, injury or violent incident. Unaddressed trauma from these incidents can lead to illness and lost productivity. Employees who feel supported in times of crisis experience higher levels of workplace loyalty and are less likely to seek employment elsewhere following a traumatic event.

    Staff Development:

    Casey and Associates will also design training programs to help you meet development goals for any work group. This includes programs focused on team building, communication and stress management. Programs can be as brief as a single session workshop, a facilitated retreat or designed as an ongoing training curriculum.